Air Mitigation

According to the EPA, 1 in every 15 households in the US is estimated to have elevated radon levels. New England is known to have higher levels of radon than some other parts of the country.

The benefits of Air Mitigation service are greatly reduced risk of radon-related lung cancer.

When you should test:

  • Once every 2 years
  • If you spend a lot of time in the basement or lowest level of home
  • If you’ve recently done major work on the home
  • If blasting is being done in your area
  • If you’re a smoker
  • If you’re selling your home

Air Mitigation Process

The first step is to perform a radon test to determine the level of radon present in your home. Professional testing is recommended since if performed wrong, you may be spending a lot of money on unnecessary mitigation. We recommend radon mitigation if your home tests for levels of radon higher than 2 pCi/L.

The next step is to get a quote for mitigation. For many newer homes a quote can be given over the phone. For older homes or custom builds a free onsite estimate is necessary to determine the correct system needed for air mitigation.

We offer the following systems for Air Mitigation

There are several different types of radon systems and often one will be the best option for your home. We give quotes based on a combination of radon level, the layout of the home, building materials, and water table. We only recommend systems that we know will work to reduce the level of your home while maintaining its aesthetic appearance. Finding the correct solution requires a licensed and experienced company!

Active Soil Depressurization (ASD)

Active soil depressurization is the most common form of mitigation. This involves coring a 4” hole in the basement floor and digging out a small amount of material under the foundation (commonly dirt, sand, crushed stone). A pvc pipe is sealed into the hole and run to the outside of the home and up the side of the home. A fan is attached to the pipe where it comes out the home creating a negative pressure that draws radon from under the foundation and pushes it to a safe distance from the openings of the house. This method works best in basements with one level that are sealed concrete.

Air to Air Exchanger (HRV)

This method brings in a continuous supply of fresh air and exhausts contaminated air. This method is preferred in basements that have more than one obvious source for radon to enter, including: multiple levels, fieldstone walls, foundational cracks, or dirt areas.

Avir Ventilation

This newest addition to the mitigation world is a multi-functional air to air exchanger. It provides moisture control and air quality control- including radon mitigation in a similar fashion to the air to air exchanger. It works by constantly monitoring and adjusting ventilation to maintain humidity levels and air quality.

How Air Mitigation Works

Phone: 203-917-2727

Fax: 203-775-1221

Radon Mitigation Provider #111053 RMT
Radon Measurement Provider #111101 RT
CT Business ID #1334072
Home Improvement Contractors License #HIC0657893
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